What is the difference between a traditional septic system and an Ozzi Kleen Home Sewerage Treatment Plant (HSTP)?

What is the difference between a traditional septic system and an Ozzi Kleen Home Sewerage Treatment Plant (HSTP)?

What is the difference between a traditional septic system and an Ozzi Kleen Home Sewerage Treatment Plant (HSTP)?

Date: 25-Aug-2023

When it comes to managing wastewater in residential areas, two common options are traditional septic systems and anaerobic house sewerage treatment plants such as our range of Ozzi Kleen systems. Both systems are designed to treat household wastewater effectively and safely, but they operate on different principles and have distinct advantages and disadvantages. In this blog post, we will delve into the details of a traditional septic system in comparison to an Ozzi Kleen system, exploring their components, functions, and environmental impacts, to help homeowners make informed decisions about the best option for their property. 

Traditional Septic Systems

A traditional septic system is a widely used and relatively simple wastewater treatment method for individual homes or small communities. It consists of three main components:

1. Septic Tank: The septic tank is a large, underground container made of concrete, fibreglass, or polyethylene. Its primary function is to separate solid waste from wastewater. When wastewater enters the tank, it undergoes a natural process where the solid materials settle to the bottom as sludge, while grease and lighter substances float to the top as scum. The liquid effluent in the middle layer is then released into the drain field for further treatment.

2. Drain Field: Also known as a leach field or absorption field, the drain field is an area near the septic tank where the liquid effluent is distributed into perforated pipes buried in trenches filled with gravel or other porous material. The effluent is then slowly released into the soil, where natural bacteria and other microorganisms further break down the contaminants.

3. Soil: The soil in the drain field acts as a natural filter, removing harmful pathogens and nutrients from the effluent as it percolates through. The soil also provides additional treatment by absorbing and dispersing the treated wastewater 

Advantages of Traditional Septic Systems:

- No electricity requirement.

- Decades-long lifespan with proper maintenance.

- Suitable for areas without access to tower sewerage systems.

Disadvantages of Traditional Septic Systems:

- Limited treatment capabilities producing a poor quality effluent, especially for removing nitrogen and phosphorus.

- Vulnerable to groundwater contamination if not maintained properly. 

- May require frequent pumping to remove accumulated sludge and scum.

- Sensitive to household chemicals and certain items, leading to potential system failures.

- May struggle to deal with large influxes of wastewater, such as from spa baths, large family usage or many loads of washing, often this means local councils will fail to approve renovations or additions without upgrading existing septic systems.

Ozzi Kleen On-site Sewerage Treatment Facility (OSTF)

An Ozzi Kleen Home Sewerage Treatment Plant (HSTP)  / On-site Sewerage Treatment Facility (OSTF) is a more modern and advanced wastewater treatment alternative to traditional septic systems. Ozzi Kleen systems employ an aerobic biological process, meaning that the treatment occurs with the presence of oxygen. By treating sewerage with oxygen, septic decomposition, the process in other home sewerage systems that produce an unpleasant odour, is prevented . The primary components of an Ozzi Kleen treatment plant include:

1. Single Tank & Aerator: Similar to a septic tank, the single tank receives all waste. However, the waste undergoes a different process. An aerator oxygenates the waste, keeping the naturally occurring bacteria alive and allowing it to quickly breakdown the waste via aerobic decomposition.

2. Effluent holding compartment: After the aeration process has occurred, the waste is allowed to settle and then the now treated water is decanted into the effluent holding compartment until there is enough water to trigger the float which will commence the irrigation process.

3. Land Application Area (irrigation area): The land application or irrigation area may differ for each block with either subsurface irrigation (and underground series of pipes) or above ground sprinklers where your odour-free, nutrient rich, treated wastewater is piped out of your Ozzi Kleen and used to keep your lawns and gardens green and healthy.

Advantages of Ozzi Kleen systems:

- No septic process, resulting in the odour free breakdown of your effluent.

- You can continue to use your favourite household cleaners including disinfectant and bleach as aerobic bacteria are not affected by these. 

- Anit-biotics will not affect the performance of your Ozzi Kleen OSTP. 

- Ozzi Kleen systems are easier and cheaper to install, and are almost invisible within your garden.

- A regularly serviced Ozzi Kleen should never require a pump out as all waste, including solids are broken down within the sewerage treatment process.

- Due to an Ozzi Kleen system's ability to treat your water to a higher standard they are suitable for installation within highly sensitive catchment areas, canal blocks, and small size blocks.

- Due to it’s relatively small size and low weight and Ozzi Kleen systems are quick, easy and economical to install.

-Water harvesting. All the water you use in your house is treated to a high quality and then can be reused via your disposal area around your garden.

-100% Recyclable. Unlike fibreglass and concrete, If you Ozzi Kleen reaches the end of its life decades after the purchase, it can be 100% recycled. 

Disadvantages of an Ozzi Kleen:

- Unlike Septic Systems, your Ozzi Kleen will require quarterly servicing via a licensed professional. 

- Ozzi Kleen systems require access to electricity which can result in higher running costs than a traditional septic system

In conclusion, the choice between a traditional septic system and an Ozzi Kleen depends on various factors, including property size, environmental considerations, budget, and desired treatment capabilities. Traditional septic systems offer simplicity and cost-effectiveness but may have limitations in treating certain contaminants and may not be suitable for some blocks. On the other hand, Ozzi Kleen treatment plants offer low cost, economical installation, superior treatment capabilities, the ability to treat a higher volume of waste, odour free sewerage treatment and reduced environmental impact, albeit with higher maintenance requirements.

Homeowners should carefully assess their specific needs and consult with wastewater treatment experts to make an informed decision that aligns with their environmental goals and financial capabilities. Ultimately, both systems play essential roles in managing residential wastewater, contributing to a cleaner and healthier environment.

If you require any assistance in relation to your Ozzi Kleen, would like to request a quote, or discuss which sewerage treatment option is best for you, please contact us on 1800 450 767.

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