Meet Sue Knapton: The Heart of Ozzi Kleen's Domestic Sales

Meet Sue Knapton: The Heart of Ozzi Kleen's Domestic Sales

Meet Sue Knapton: The Heart of Ozzi Kleen's Domestic Sales New

Date: 07-Oct-2024

When you step into the world of Ozzi Kleen, you quickly realise that the company's strength

lies not only in its innovative environmental solutions but also in the passionate people

behind the scenes. One such individual is Sue Knapton, the Domestic Sales and

Installations Coordinator. With a wealth of experience and a heart for helping others, Sue

has become an indispensable part of the Ozzi Kleen family over the past seven years.

In this staff profile, we take a deeper look at Sue’s journey, her role, and the incredible

connection she has with her colleagues and clients alike. Get ready to meet a woman whose

work superpower is her ability to uplift those around her, all while excelling in the fast-paced

world of sales and installation coordination.

From Area Manager to Sales Coordinator: A Journey in the Making

Sue’s career in sales didn’t begin with Ozzi Kleen, but rather, in a previous role as an area

manager where she honed her skills for 12 years. “I’ve been in sales for 30 years,” she

mentions with a smile, the kind of smile that reflects both pride and perseverance. When Sue

stepped into her role at Ozzi Kleen seven years ago, it felt like the perfect next chapter.

Her role at Ozzi Kleen, where she’s now the Domestic Sales and Installations Coordinator,

brings her in direct contact with customers, site visits, and the rest of the sales team. From

overseeing the quoting process to ensuring smooth sales transactions and installations, Sue

is a linchpin of the team. But for her, it’s not just about selling a product—it’s about building

relationships, something she’s exceptionally good at.

A Day in the Life: No Two Days Are the Same

So, what does a typical day in Sue’s shoes look like? In her words, "Pretty much quoting,

following up on leads, and training new sales staff. A typical day could involve a site visit to a

homeowner for a septic upgrade or a Home Sewage Treatment Plant (HSTP) installation,

then coming back to the office to quote and follow through with the sales process."

For Sue, the fast-paced nature of her work isn’t a challenge—it’s something she thrives on.

Between juggling customer interactions, training new team members, and handling the finer

details of sales and installations, she’s the go-to person for getting things done. Yet, despite

her workload, Sue remains approachable and easygoing, willing to lend a hand to anyone

who needs help.

"Some days, I’ll be out on a site visit assessing what a homeowner needs, and other days

I’m in the office making sure all the pieces fall into place." It’s clear that no two days are ever

the same for Sue, and she wouldn’t have it any other way.

The Unsung Work Superpower: Helping Across All Departments

When asked about her “work superpower,” Sue hesitates at first—she’s not one to boast.

But after a moment, she thoughtfully replies, “I guess I would say it’s helping any of the staff

across all of the departments.”

Sue’s ability to assist and guide her colleagues, no matter which department they’re in, is a

testament to her experience and her willingness to share knowledge. “I’m always

approachable, and I generally have an answer. I never turn someone away when they need


It’s this kind of attitude that makes Sue a true asset to the Ozzi Kleen team. Her superpower

isn’t some flashy skill—it’s her ability to be the person everyone turns to for answers,

guidance, and support. In many ways, Sue has become the glue that holds the various

departments together, ensuring everyone is on the same page and working toward common


The Best Part of Working at Ozzi Kleen: People and Relationships

Sue doesn’t hesitate when asked what she enjoys most about working at Ozzi Kleen. “All of

the staff and the clients. I love working with people and building relationships,” she says


For Sue, it’s not just about selling a product or meeting a quota. It’s about the human

connections she forms along the way. Whether it’s helping a homeowner find the best

solution for their property or training a new team member, Sue’s focus is always on the

relationships she’s building.

It’s this people-centred approach that sets Sue apart. She sees every interaction as an

opportunity to create a lasting bond, whether with clients, colleagues, or the broader Ozzi

Kleen community.

What Ozzi Kleen Means to Sue: A Family Beyond Work

For many people, their workplace is just that—a place where they work. But for Sue, Ozzi

Kleen is so much more. “Ozzi Kleen is a really good, supportive, and caring environment,”

she says. And she’s not just talking about the job. “They’ve supported me through personal

ups and downs, and I’ve always felt cared for.”

Sue’s connection to Ozzi Kleen runs deep. She describes the company as a family, one that

steps in when you need them the most. “It’s an amazing family company. When you’re in

need, they are second to none. They are amazingly supportive when you need them.”

It’s this sense of community that keeps Sue passionate about her work, even after decades

in the industry. She’s not just clocking in and out each day—she’s part of something bigger,

something that truly cares about its people.

It’s easy to see why Sue has become such a vital part of Ozzi Kleen. With her years of

experience, her approachable nature, and her dedication to helping others, she exemplifies

what it means to be part of the Ozzi Kleen family. Whether she’s coordinating an installation,

training new staff, or offering advice to a colleague, Sue brings a level of warmth and

professionalism that makes her truly stand out.

In a world where the focus is often on the bottom line, Sue reminds us that

relationships—both personal and professional—are at the heart of any successful business.

And with her at the helm of domestic sales and installations, it’s clear that Ozzi Kleen is in

very good hands.

So, the next time you’re in need of an HSTP installation or just some good advice, remember

that Sue Knapton is there, ready to help with a smile and a wealth of knowledge that only 30

years in the industry can bring.

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